The municipality of Son Servera

The municipality of Son Servera

The municipality of Son Servera has an extension of 42.56 km2 and the highest altitude point is 103m.

The municipality is made up of several areas:

-Son Servera: Main town, is where most municipal buildings and facilities are located.

-Cala Millor: the biggest tourist area with a significant percentage of permanent residents.
It also has several municipal buildings and it is located about 3 Km from Son Servera. It is an entertainment and shopping area with a beautiful promenade along side the beach. There are recreational and meeting areas such as Plaça Mallorca.

-Cala Bona: a tourist area located at about 4.5 km from the main town Son Servera. Traditionally was a fishing harbor today surrounded by renovated hotels, shops and residences.

-Port Verd, Port Nou, Port Vell and Costa dels Pins: are mainly residential areas.

The total population of the municipality, on January 21st of 2008, was 12.875 inhabitants distributed among different urban centers.

Plaça de Sant Ignasi 1. 07550 Son Servera (Illes Balears)

Telephone: 971 567 002 | Fax: 971 568 101 -

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